This is about Offliberty. About making video readily available for you. It’s about comfort and easy video and audio downloads. This is about the liberty to turn off internet and still retain your favorite videos… this is common typos: ofliberty, off liberty, offlibery, offliverty, offlybery, offlibert. by the number of these you can see – site is popular. but maybe not anymore.. youtube converter is taking over!!
Although it’s been having problems in the recent months (summer 2017). the problem is offliberty not working (can’t handle youtube anymore). So if you’re here looking for a good youtube to mp3 converter – we recommend check out one of the following: online video converter, theyoump3, flv2mp3, yttomp3, ytmp3, flvto, listen to youtube, and others from 20 best youtube mp3 converters.
Why switch to and the likes
As of late, I’m coming to believe that one cannot trust software blindly anymore.. One day this great program Best Video Downloader was one of the leading tool to download online video.
And the next day what do you know? The site says “thanks for your interest, but the project has been shut down”… Whaaat? Someone either sued the creator of Best Video Downloader, and he/she had to shut down the site. Or someone offered a good lump sum and the site was sold. To be shut down, nevertheless.
It is usually not the issue with video downloading websites though. Well, yes, websites do get shut down, purchased, acquired, etc. But it’s so easy to start that site elsewhere again. And again.. And again… There’s a myriad of such websites.
Software though gets purchased easily by a bigger fish, and then shut down.. There isn’t so much software out there. One day your favorite software becomes pay-for software. If author/owner decides that user base is large enough to start monetizing..
Sites – they are more like free spirits. They can reappear, while with software it’s usually hard to eradicate the footprints and traces if it is being taken down.. For big companies it’s cheaper sometimes to buy out the “perpetrator”. And quietly shut off the way it was being used…
So here comes – another great way to download online videos. Maybe even the best way…
Below let me show you how to use this amazing service. This article was originally written in times when Offliberty was only getting initial popularity and could boast possible 10-15k daily visits.
Now, in 2017, I am sure, it’s 10 times that at least. I notice they employ a cloud of over 50 servers.. Yet popularity is growing. What you might appreciate, is the fact, that this article features 4 images without any background photo artwork in them.
This shows, that it was written well long ago.. It actually took over the first place in google search for a while for the aforementioned keyword. Was quite a busy time for a few months.. People querying google for “offliberty” would see this article first, review actually preceded the resource itself… Remembering those good times, I’ve ever since kept this review and tutorial up to date.
Download videos with Offliberty – Tutorial
The 4 steps below will show how to easily download online video and audio from many websites and resources using
Step 1 – Get Online Before going Offline =)

Let’s visit the website and check out what it looks like now… Click the “first time here” link and see how they try to justify themselves and their service..
“If the Internet bus visits your village only once a week or your grandma doesn’t let you use Internet more than 1 hour a day – is for you.”
This is what the site’s about page says… Basically, trying to righteously prove that big dawgs have no right to only stream their content, that some people are still devoid of fast and cheap internet, that there are other reasons… And that services like Off Liberty here will exist and will persist, until we all plunge into era of truly unlimited 1Gbps+ up & down internet.. What a dream…
Not all people can access internet
I’ve even come across this Project Loon, which even today in 2017 exists to deliver internet to remote and unpowered areas of Earth. I doubt people that have no internet and no food will rather have internet, than food. But oh well…
So it boils down to simple fact – we can’t always stream video from online source when we want to watch that video. We want to watch our favorite video when we have no access to internet too. So this is pretty much the main reason sites like this one exist. They exist to facilitate fun to your brain when there is no internet and you are feeling down… mp3 converters are the best!!
Step 2 – Enter the Video or Audio URL
So this is still the initial screen, with social links above it and ads below it, at least as of right now.. All we need to do now, as is shown here and on the next image – is to enter the video or audio URL and click the OFF button.

What happens next? How does it work? Good questions… Offliberty is now scanning the page you gave it for audio and video sources. It either knows how to handle it and so goes over to screen in step 3. Or says it cannot yet take care of the link.
When the latter happens, – you have two choices. First, you can ask them to notify you when this page and site are “offliberated”. It simply means “can be handled by Off Liberty; audio/video can be extracted”. Now we wait.
The site seems to be manually maintained, so new video sources are quickly studied by the site’s owner/admin. And then skillfully transferred this knowledge into the ripping power. So be sure, you will receive an email soon. Unless this source you’re after cannot be processed by normal online means. Some video can only be downloaded with a browser plugin..
Step 3 – Convert video to mp3, if needed
So after some motherboard-like looking animation indicating that your link is being processed. And media sources extracted and prepared for your download.. After a little or large delay, depending on the size of your desired media, we see the next screen something like this below:

Nice nice, here we get the next screen, where download is already offered, along with a shortlink for the download, which works for a few hours, or doesn’t work at all.. But who cares, now we can finally download that new Bieber’s video with Nicki Minaj!!!
OMG, don’t laugh at me… This is my thing here on Save Tube – I download Justin’s videos… Obviously, I remove them after, cause I don’t really like his work…
Hey, Offliberty, what about the video???
But what’s this? We can only get the audio file here, but not the video??? Because video is usually streamed separately from the audio. And the two streams are synchronized by the script that actually plays the sound and video.. Well, let’s not delve into technicalities, shall we?
I think mainly due to the fact that people want to convert youtube to mp3 nowadays, only audio is offered at first. Yet if you select to download it, right click on the yellow box and save the file. It will be a moment to convert it to MP3, since it is usually served as AAC. So be patient, but it will begin downloading in a few seconds.
Where others fail, Offliberty keeps going and succeeds in most cases!!! So let’s try and download the video… To proceed to next step – click “I Want Video File” link below the yellow box.
Step 4 – Download Video to File with
I must say I don’t download videos that I talk about, but they are simply “for example”. Of course I am into music, but I like house, progressive, tribal, deep, dark house, d’n’b, breaks. And some other styles. And I personally think Bieber is wasting the air on Earth.
But it’s only my opinion. Tens of millions of his followers on facebook and twitter will definitely bake to differ. Well it’s up to them and I don’t care. But I do care for you to know that I am not a fan. I am just messing around a bit… 🙂
And so it goes. After clicking “I want Video File” link from above screenshot, we get the following view. Now it’s easy to download both video and audio from the link I initially put in.

Now click on the Bottom Yellow Box, right click that is. And select “save link as” to save the video to your device. Now wait-screen has some numbers on it. But the wait is short and here we go, 200MB MP4 file is on its way to your hdd.
Voila!! This is how we download and convert online video and audio using this cool website..
If you like this review and guide, check out more articles about Offliberty: Video Tutorial
Conclusion & Opinion
The thing I miss here is the options. simply assumes I want the 720p video and gives it to me.. It doesn’t go for 1080p video or 4K if available. The highest video quality you get here is only 720p. If you want 1080p, you usually go with software like Youtube-DL.
generally, as it says below, we strongly encourage the use of this service.. gonna step away from the format and not list features, as there aren’t so many… but still Off liberty is cool, and becoming cooler by day!! 5 stars from the editor!
This article was last edited and updated on September 29th, 2017. It is the 5th version of the article originally posted in 2013.
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happens to anything, right? i noticed too, it sucks.. probably something broke down there, and it should be getting fixed sooner or later. i do not know the creators nor am i promoting offliberty – i am rust reviewing methods, that’s all..
i really do hope though, that they don’t get shut down or something… that would suck balls..
Has this been shut down? Cant rip soundcloud anymore?
why shut down? have you tried ripping anything else? it works perfectly with all sites BUT soundcloud. what does it suggest? –
soundcloud team have probably noticed that lots of their music is being downloaded aside from their own player. and so they decided to cut off some obvious ways to download stuff from them, which was used by offliberty. so now offliberty cannot help download stuff from soundcloud, their developers need to catch up with soundcloud. sc have changed their player recently too, it doesn’t load the full 128kbps version anymore, it plays and pre-loads as much as it needs now, probably trying to save the bandwidth and stuff… anyways, that is the reason i think it became easier for them to see if someone downloads the stream or really streams it.
on the other hand, just checked services like and are still working fine and offering the stream to be downloaded.
so all in all, i am thinking it’s something on the side of offliberty, the script stopped noticing the stream for some reason, while it is one of the easiest things – download from soundcloud, something isn’t working out on offliberty with that…
Here’s one :
you are right.
i recommend using in situations like this, here’s a link that will allow you get the sound:
Why does it always say “TRY AGAIN” and it doesn’t even work,anyone know why?
it is explained in comments above. try reading first… it is temporary, most likely.
so i was right, wasn’t i? offliberty is back and by this i mean – Offliberty is again good to download from Soundcloud. fire away!!
its not working still… help? 🙁
what’s not working? i mean, what site can’t offliberty download again? i just checked soundcloud, the problem was there before, but now it works fine. what link you trying to download? can you post it here?
I just do not get the whole thing
what do you mean? what’s there to get?
Yes I agree everything
Does anyone know if Offliberty is still running?
I’ve tried multiple to download multiple videos and always get ‘Content is not available. Try again later’.
I’m just wondering if it’s a problem with the links I used or that the site is finally out of business.
If anyone knows please reply, cheers.
just checked, confirming the site is working, tried with youtube static video (downloaded both video and audio) and soundcloud.
are you trying maybe to download some LIVE videos? those are impossible to do with offliberty.. at some point i promise to start a big series on how to download live videos from youtube and other sites (like vimeo, twitch, dailymotion, etc).
I’ve been trying to use off liberty but it keeps saying to try again later.
I’ve even tried on videos that had worked before (a few months ago)
Does anyone know if something happened, if the urls are now blocked in some way?
Than you.
Hey Hey. I’ve just checked and it works fine for me. If you want, put your desired video URL here and i will check even better. thanks =)
thanks for a great link. yes, you can download video from there using Offliberty!
i checked and you’re right, offliberty cannot process that link. i think it’s due to absence of 720p version, so it gets confused.. but maybe not, who knows. sometimes youtube developers change something in their algorithm or the way video is presented, streams are served, etc. so it takes some time for the offliberty developer to change code and make the video downloadable again. so far it seems that both offliberty and savefrom didn’t catch up to this new change. but folks at keepvid are up to date with their method – the video can be downloaded using keepvid. or if you can work with command line – youtube-dl can download that link and is the best option in my opinion. you can always run “youtube-dl -F videoURL” to check what formats are available, and then download that format using “youtube-dl -f XX videoURL”. where XX is the format number.
I cant get to work anymore either
that’s something with the link, i think. i tried it with savefrom and it didn’t work either. but, not all is lost. keepvid, or if you can work with command line – youtube-dl can download that link and is the best option in my opinion.