Ha, i’ve been thinking all this time deturl.com deserves it, gotta write a deturl review, but apparently it doesn’t really.. deserve a review… but oh well, let’s go anyways, since half the work and all research is done.. maybe will help me for SEO purposes..
in due course of my investigation to write a normal deturl.com review and see if it’s cool to use in general, i’ve come to conclusion – it’s not really a site that allows one to download youtube or other streaming videos – it’s just a stepping-stone to the process.. it allows one to choose what functions he/she wants done with this video, maybe converted to something, or maybe just downloaded, or just the audio, this site just offers several methods on “what to do next”, that’s where the “stepping-stone” comes from.. maybe rather call it “the gateway”?
How to use deturl.com review
it’s very easy – better don’t, unless you cannot memorize two other sites – Clipconverter and Savefrom – beause deturl.com is not good for anything else.. it simply offers youj.. oh well.. let’s do the normal process…. here’s what happens, when we enter a random Rhianna video url into the box… see, because there’s so much information on the screen, it’s becoming a bit overwhelming, one cannot properly locate the needed box where to stick the desired video url to be downloaded… i marked it with red on the image:

after that is done, simply click “Download” and go to the next step: the choice of what you want to do and what is going to happen next:

this one here actually depicts what options and courses of action we have now. we can either now use Java sites: ClipNabber, KeepVid, FullRip, YouDDL. or “other sites”: Dirpy, SaveFrom, Telecharger, Convert, File2Hd, Below we have similar options to get this video as audio file: do it via additionally VidToMp3, Grab Tube, FetchMp3, Video2mp3, Mp3ify. funny that the only method (for video to mp3 conversion) i’ve reviewed earlier is actually crossed-off on this site, Youtube-mp3 is not one of the options. that’s weird. it is also kinda weird not to see the hottest site lately to download streaming online videos is Offliberty – it’s not mentioned either. i think this site hasn’t been updated in a long long while.. what can i say, sites like that exist with one and only one idea – get some traffic, redirect some people, and get some ad-clicks. that’s why once created, they are basically “thrown out” and do not get any updates or support or whatnot. so i dislike these sites alot. And what’s the matter, can’t i decide whether i want the file downloaded as video or as mp3, i’ll use Offliberty or Savefrom for that, or i also like to use ClipGrab for that, no matter, but how hard it is to remember that conversions, if you do not use Audacity – the free audio editing tool it is done on that ClipConverter.cc site – the one that words long and isn’t recommended to use, really. the rest of the listed resources like Dirpy or File2HD barely has any meaning, maybe this deturl is trying to be a paid directory for youtube-downloaders? alot of advertisement there, very much, to be honest.. and these all resources listed besides the beloved SaveFrom and (not so beloved) ClipConverter, are completely not-famous,barely any traffic there, so i am guessing they are promoted this way.
deturl also has a bookmarklet, although i haven’t figured out how to use it. one has to copy the video url, make a bookmark of it, and then add there pwn or something? cannot really understand… then rightclick and save? or what? or is it also some kinda redirect to SaveFrom? anyways, check it out, it you want archaic methods of video downloading. on the other hand, it is safe to use it, and it’s probably always on top of downloads, cause it doesn’t do any! =) and lets other services keep up with youtube’s updates that constantly battle all them services to stop them from downloading.. well, i think as long as we have the streaming itself, that long we’ll have methods to download and record everything..
all in all, even their facebook page says the following: Deturl.com helps you download videos and MP3 music from YouTube, Facebook, Break, MetaCafe, DailyMotion, Vimeo, and many other sites, including adult sites. Deturl is a meta-site that links you directly into many different downloading tools and more. we can see, it’s not really a site to download videos from youtube, it’s rather a site that will help you do it and send you to some other site..
Some useful links on Deturl.com Safe to follow
deturl.com – main website (aka pwnyoutube.com)