Today is a double day and I am reviewing second site that is a bit out of my usual “youtube video download and convert to mp3” scope.. First one just now was the site to download facebook video, called And right away easy find Twitter Video Download service called Obviously it’s the sister site of presented by same developers.
Have you ever downloaded some video from twitter? Have you thought about downloading twitter video? I honestly answer that I haven’t. There was once this live twitter video for Above & Beyond concert that I wanted to download, but ended up finding it on youtube with much better quality. Twitter has been trying lately to take a piece of the video pie that facebook has sunk its teeth in about since 2 years ago. Remember all those “go live on facebook” ads on bus stops? I do…
Anyways, believe it or not, downloading video from twitter is a thing now too.. Some famous people put their monologues there, or sometimes singers put their music videos or pieces of those, which can be converted to ringtones and stuff like that.
So yes, people download twitter videos. And yes, if there is some video online, the chances are someone wants to download it. And so has found its audience, and a big one at that.. Soaring from being online early 2017 to top 50k world’s most used sites in just under a year.. Good job and good catch! And so I’d like to do my piece here and review twdown. Of course with the step by step usage tutorial…
How to find Twitter Video URL
As is the case with facebook, finding twitter video URL can present a little trouble. But don’t worry, savetube is here to help! First open twitter and find the video you’d like to download or convert to mp3. I have searched for a minute or two, i guess i do not follow any video posters on twitter.. Anyhow, I’ve finally come across this Beyonce video cut out. Here’s how the Twitter Video URL looked like when i extracted it:
below you can see the tweet with the embedded video, if you want to try and copy its URL into clipboard – you can not do it right here without leaving this tutorial. As you may notice, there are NO LINKS on this embedded video. And no menu. Nothing. So just from here you cannot get that video URL. You must be in your feed, in the twitter app or on their website to see the menu where to copy the URL.
Beyonce – Irreplaceable
"To the left to the left"
— ThatOnezmoGuy (@Onezmo_) December 11, 2017
And so to get the video URL address while in your twitter feed, you’ll need to either…
- click on the chevron-down icon to show the tweet menu, where you can “Copy Link To Tweet“. or…
- right-click on the video and then click on the Copy Video Address button that shows up.
- and if you’re mobile, tap and hold on the video, until link to copy its address is shown.
The image below shows exactly how to do just that – find twitter video address. It is also the step 1 of the Tutorial.

In any case, after these actions you should have the video URL address in your device’s clipboard. This process will work for any platform, it will help you download twitter video on iphone, android, desktop PC or even a linux tablet, if those exist… Just check out Tutorial below.. Step by Step tutorial
here comes detailed usage tutorial. Step 1 was described above, but we will still list it here…
Step 1. Find twitter video URL & copy it to clipboard
Image directly above this shows where to find the URL. Being this new and unexplored territory, i have separated finding that URL into a whole subsection of this article. Now that we have the URL, let’s proceed to step 2.
Step 2. Open and Enter video URL
Let’s visit and see how their front page looks like. Here’s how it looks for me… Red arrows indicate box with the Twitter Video URL and Download button next to it. Paste video URL into the box by clicking in it and right-click + paste or CTRL+V. tap and hold for mobile users. When video address is in the box, press the download button.

Step 3. Select your preferred download format.
Now you can see the video thumbnail and several download format options. First there’s HD video link, then not-so–hd link, and finally Mp3 download link. This is a nice feature, and sister site doesn’t have this option. I wonder if that was removed due to some copyright problems.. Interesting…
Anyways, twdown is very much alike theyoump3 or ytmp3 – sites that allow download both video and mp3. Not so much as youtubeinmp4 and youtubeinmp3 – two sister sites that do 2 jobs (instead of 2 sites doing 1 same job).. Traffic huggers…

Step 4. proof of twitter video and mp3 download
below is the screenshot of my browser downloading video directly from twitter servers, and audio from own website. WHich shows that it’s that does the conversion. Again raises the question why conversion to mp3 is not available on fbdown… Review
This time review comes last.. interesting format i keep with my articles… Heh… Well.. To the review… is a proper site that does exactly as promises – allows one to download videos from twitter. It also helps convert twitter video to mp3. A feature not available elsewhere, if you ask me.. Good job!
I also really liked that audio conversion happens 1 to 1. Explain? Well, twitter alike facebook only goes for 66kbps audio stream. very poor quality, but oh well… And so converts video to mp3 with same bitrate, thus not adding any extra data to the file. Very cool! I like it. Usually site operators want to woo people with 320kbps downloads of 140kbps youtube audio… Well, not for twdown, where sysop doesn’t want you to download extra mp3 data that produces no better sound..
Downloads were fast, ads on the site don’t do any popups or overtaking of the browser, thanks to adsense still being on with this site and showing their ads there. This allows site operator to deliver very nice ad-experience, without popups. I hate popups… None of them here, nice!!
It is cool to use to download twitter videos and convert them to mp3. Safe too!!
The site is nice, using adsense for ads, thus great user experience, no popups, very friendly, good job! giving this site 4 stars, again for scrambled filenames that don’t mean anything and especially for the mp3 name – come one, it’s the file on your system, you could have renamed it before download, or instructed my browser to rename file on download… Why not?? Why make user go and rename files??
There is one more way to download Twitter videos.
You need to add “sss” after “https://” in the link which contains a video.
Example link:
Correct URL with “sss”:
Can you add this method to your article?
nice method there from the comment! thanks for sharing