The world of youtube mp3 converters is an unforgiving one.. If you slip up, your domain and traffic will be scooped by someone else.. Listentoyoutube is a great example to that.. But let’s forget about that, and go on now with a quick ranting review of The side sure has some traffic, but… Well… Where does it get it? Lol..

Here’s what alexa thinks of youtubeTo’s traffic. And seems like some of it came after youtube mp3 org has gone down, but some of it has been even before that. So, this is a well established organization that didn’t just come many other youtube mp3 converters.. So let’s do the quick review first.. Kinda Unpleasant Review
Well, can you explain to me, why doesn’t this site have English version??? Isn’t today the day of all languages and people understanding that English is the main language now? Well, i do know other languages, but what about all the Americans and UK people? Well, maybe they too speak some other language, but anyways… Is it some kind of promotional move? Dunno…
Second, why didn’t this site work on first 2 videos I’ve fed it? Why it only worked on the 3rd and 4th video? I do not understand. This is not right!! Is their server getting geo-blocked by youtube? I do not understand this…
The design is kinda messy, huge font sizes do not contribute to clear design, but make it stuffed, overcrowded somehow… No ads, fast downloads, but general feeling leaves you wishing for something better, doesn’t it? Does for me…
As any other site with youtube in its name, this one also provides functionality when you can edit the video link on youtube and add “TO” right after work youtube, right before .com, in any case, it works same as ssyoutube trick by savefrom, and many other sites too.. This will redirect you quickly to the download page, without much effort.. No need to copy and paste the video URL. otherwise it’s exactly same result.. Download Youtube video.
But most annoying is the fact that after every URL paste into the box, after every CTRL+V that i did, this site would empty the clipboard cache… dammit.. so annoying.. While trying to test it, i was forced to keep returning to youtube to copy video URL from there over and over, because this site doesn’t save that URL in any way, even for me to reuse it.. LAME
How to use (Tutorial)
In this tutorial we will download a video from the youtube collection by NoCopyrightSounds, which offers its subscribers tracks and videos that are OK to download and convert to mp3, they even supply an mp3 download link on every video. Today we’re going for Defqwop – Awakening.
But better don’t use it.. Cause it’s a mess… Just check it out.. Steps 2 to 4 are useless…
Step 1. Open and check it out… tutorial step 1 front page with URL
Step 2. Nothing works for the video I’ve selected above

Step 3. Trying mp3 – says not accessible from their server

Step 4. Trying video or HD video – nothing works

Step 5. Finally some light, trying some random video from youtube front page

Step 6. And thanks, another random video works for mp4 download

Step 7. Proof of download

YoutubeTo.Com is an OK site with poor design and overcrowded page, that is not really overcrowded. It does quite a bunch of annoying things, so user experience is way below average. Plus for me 2 of the 4 attempted videos were rejected for different reasons, so all in all i am not recommending this site, it is buggy and annoying! 3 stars.. Only cause it works…