torch browser download audio video social initial screen chose from several activities rdio hulu etc, it also has audio section, video section, social section and a section for games, and yes, it’s so cool, the audio page features trending youtube tunes, and Yes, torch has free games, but you can’t bookmark any of them, it just leads to the main games page with a bunch of icons, where you need to find that game again. yes, they did alot and tried to hide where games are coming from, so that we, users, wouldn’t play them elsewhere, so again, commercialism is there to the full extent, every program wants to have you use it and it alone.. i don’t like this and don’t approve of this. yes, developers did work hard to deliver good product with many “free-ish” resources included, but look at those ads on each side? at least, thanks and HINT: to get rid of ads in games section of TORCH browser, simply decrease your browser’s width so that browser window would fit only the game. and voila, ads go behind the game embed section.